Λίαν εὔφρανας τοὺς ὀρθοδόξους, καὶ κατῄσχυνας τοὺς κακοδόξους,
Εὐφημία Χριστοῦ καλλιπάρθενε·
τῆς γὰρ Τετάρτης Συνόδου ἐκύρωσας, ἃ οἱ Πατέρες καλῶς ἐδογμάτισαν,
Μάρτυς ἔνδοξε, Χριστὸν τὸν Θεὸν ἱκέτευε, δωρήσασθαι ἡμῖν τὸ μέγα ἔλεος. (Απολυτίκιον)

The Righteous mother and Martyr, Euphemia came from Carthage, and because she was very beautiful, many pagans envied her. But she has devoted her life to patients and orphans, but the reign of Diocletian in 281 arrested as a Christian and has emerged much stronger than her torturers, who finally threw her as food to the beasts. Her hoy memory is celebrated three times a year and today is remembrance of the miracle that took place during the Fourth Ecumenical Council at Constantinople in 451. Then when kings were Pulcheria and Marcianos compiled two volumes, one of Orthodox and one of the of the Monophysites and they were put in the shrine of the Saint. After the opening of the Shrine, the Volume of heretics was under her legs while the the one of the Orthodox was on her chest.
You indulge very much the Orthodox and humiliated the misbelievers,
Euphemia of Christ beautiful virgin·
of the fourth Ecumenical Synod’s decisions you ratified, all that the Fathers well dogmatized,
Martyr glorious, May beg Christ, God to donate us the great mercy. (Apolytikion)
Υ.Σ.: Η παρούσα ταπεινή δημοσίευση αφιερώνεται στους προδότες οικουμενιστές, οι οποίοι υπέγραψαν τη προδοτική «Κοινή Ομολογία Πίστεως» με τους αιρετικούς Μονοφυσίτες (Chambésy Ελβετίας 1990) επιβεβαιώνοντας την κοινή ταυτότητα με τους αιρετικούς και όσους οι Άγιοι Πατέρες της Τετάρτης Οικουμενικής Συνόδου και ο Θεός δια της Αγίας Ευφημίας απέβαλε του σώματος της Εκκλησίας του Χριστού!

P.S. This modest publication is dedicated to the traitors Ecumenists who signed the treacherous "Common Confession of Faith" with the heretics Monophysites (Chambésy, Switzerland 1990) confirming the common identity with heretics and those who the Holy Fathers of 4th Holy Ecumenical Synod and God through the Holy Euphemia eliminated from the body of the Church of Christ!