Στην ερώτησή μας, πώς είναι δυνατόν «οι ζηλωτές» παλαιοημερολογίτες που δεν αποδέχονται το νέο ημερολόγιο και αποκαλούν «αιρετικούς οικουμενιστές» όσους ασπάζονται το νέο, να δέχονται να λειτουργήσουν ναούς με το νέο ημερολόγιο, ο κ. Μάρας απαντά: «Η ρύθμιση αυτή ισχύει και σε άλλες μητροπόλεις των ΓΟΧ και δεν προκαλεί κατάπληξη». Αντιδρά, δε, έντονα στο σχόλιό μας, ότι οι παλαιοημερολογίτες μπορεί να δέχονται μία τέτοια ρύθμιση για να εδραιωθούν στην Αυστραλία και μετά να επιβάλλουν το θρησκευτικό φονταμενταλισμό, το θρησκευτικό εξτρεμισμό που αποτελεί το ιδιαίτερο χαρακτηριστικό τους.
«Μην υποτιμάτε τη νοημοσύνη μας», λέει. «Δεν είμαστε τόσο αφελείς».
New 'mega' achievement would make the sectarian old- calendarists Florites! In this case the Florinite conventicle of Florinite false- “bishop” Mr. Marini Afxentios from the area of "Afxentians” (one of many ...) is to expand and now in Australia with the creation "Metropolis" of Adelaide with NEW CALENDAR (!!) to serve expatriates NEW- CALENDARISTS, insubordinate in the New- Calendarist "Patriarchate" of Constantinople for financial and administrative issues!
Written by Kostas Nikolopoulos in the website: "The President of the Federation, Mr. Theofanis Maras, confirmed the agreement with the Church of GOC (the Florinites of Afxentios), which will be activated immediately after the approval by extraordinary General Meetings of Commons belonging to the autocephalous Church of Australia, not later than the end of February 2010 "....
In our question, how can "the zealots' Old- Calendarists who not accept the new calendar and they call it "ecumenical heretics" who embrace the new, and to prepare to serve churches in the new calendar, Mr. Mara replied:" This arrangement applies and in other Metropolis of GOC and it does not surprising. He reacts, and more intensely in our comment that the old calendar may accept such an arrangement to establish in Australia and then to impose religious fundamentalism, religious extremism that is the distinguishing characteristic.
"Do not underestimate our intelligence," he says. "We are not so naive”.
However the hypocrisy the other florinite schismatic factions of Florinites no bounds! Do they fear neither the God? The fact was condemned by the larger groups (Mr. Chrys. Kioussis, Kyprianos of Fili at the moment) and "tear their hair out" at the same time they serve the mysterious temporal in the New- Calendarists against the Sacred Rules of the Holy Church of Christ! And they give them the sacraments. Recently in the Florinite magazine “Orthodox Patristic Fanfare” (issue November- December 2009) of an even Florinite schism (Mr Makarios Kavvakidis) posted this truth for their clergy. For all other factions are well known these misbeliever tactics. So our Father Saint Matthew who disowned and cut off the Florinites from the Body of the Holy Church of Christ for their heretical, ecclesiological misbeliefs! We hope to those who follow them, clergy and lay people, to leave these ungodly gangs and "churches of evil” of these "wolves in sheep's hide" and enter in the Body of the Holy Christ Genuine Orthodox Church outside which there is no salvation!
After two years of the firework of the monk Kontogiannis Kirykos and on these splinter from the body of the Church by their heretical opinions on the sacred icons have recently decided that the "ordinations" of the Romanians are problematic and need 'validation'. Besides now they served their evil purposes without sensationalism results because they failed to lure G.O.C. in their misbeliefs and in the insurgency.
Written by Kirikos: We studied opened for the issue of Apostolic Succession of Rumanian Orthodox Church, which after 1924 was in many tribulations of persecutions and without Bishops and priests, until 1967 that came the Bishop Victor ... On such matters and basically on historical and assurances of Exarchate of Mr Gerontios, to investigate the persons- Bishops who, in 1948, in Munich, Germany, ordinated as Bishop Victor. Board it seems that Hierarchs Seraphim, Stephen and Philip, who concentrate Victor as Bishop, were in this time and in that place OLD- CALENDARISTS, but it is not clear whether they had clean Omologia (orthodox belief) - ecclesiology, but also their ordinations of Orthodox (bishops) .
Unanimously, it showed the view ... to heal the patient and to validate the ordination of first Bishop... (Victor).