Τί περισσότερο θέλεις;
(Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Χρυσόστομος)
I am father, (Christ says), I am brother, I am bridegroom, I am house, I am food, I am garment, I am root, I am fandation,anything you want I will give you so that you would not need anybody. I will also work because I came to serve you,not to be served. I am friend, and limb and head, and brother and sister, and mother, everything me, only I ask you to be with me. I became poor for you, and bum for you, on the Cross for you, in the tomb for you, up on heaven for you in Father, down for you I became supplicant to Father. You are everything for me, and brother and coheir, and friend, and part of you.
What do you want more?
(Saint John Chrysostom)