Against the New Calendarism-Ecumenism
The official state schismatic [church] by its transgressions and apostasies, remaining in schism, is becoming heretical. In the commentary of the First Canon of St. Basil the Great (footnote 1) is declared: “A schism persisting wrongly becomes a schismato-heresy, and a schismato-heresy becomes a complete heresy” (Divine Chrysostom).We confess with all the strength of our hearts and with a tyrannical trumpet we declare our Faith and confession as follows:
We remain firmly unshaken in the Faith of our Fathers, in the injunctions of the New Testament, the Symbol of the Faith, the sacred Canons decreed by the holy seven Ecumenical and Local Councils, in the Teachings of the God-bearing Fathers, in the Decisions of the Pan-Orthodox Councils and Patriarchs, and in the Sacred Traditions.
We exclude and reject every deviation, every addition or subtraction of even one iota.
We are obedient only to decisions of Orthodox Councils.
We denounce the “official” [church] as innovationist, as schismatic, as cacodox, paving directly towards heresy.
We have no communion with the cacodox “official” [church], not recognizing the validity of its mysteries, not considering its acts and condemnations against us to have any authority.
We are indifferent to, and by no means fall by, the persecutions, the placing of the spears, the imprisonments, the defrockments, the slanders and insults, the banishments, with which the “official” [church] unmercifully treats us, thereby becoming “God-fighting” according to St. Athanasius the Great; [the “official” church] bears not a single power, nor has the capability to shake our faith and confession in regards to the Patristic [traditions] and separate us from the Holy Church, the Bride of Christ.
+ Metropolitan Demetrius of Thessalonica (President of the Holy Synod)+ Metropolitan Spyridon of Trimythus +Metropolitan Andrew of Patras +Metropolitan Callistus of Corinth +Metropolitan Bessarion of Tricca and Stagae +Metropolitan John of Thebes and Lebadia +Metropolitan Meletius of Attica and Megaris +Metropolitan Matthew II of Bresthena +Metropolitan Epiphanius of Citium +Metropolitan Anthimus of Piraeus +Metropolitan Theocletus of Salamis +Metropolitan Agathangelus of Tinos +Archpriest Eugene Tombros (Secretary of the Holy Synod)
The Declaration Against Ecumenism
Synod of the Genuine Orthodox Church of Greece - 1985
To the heretical ecumenistic encyclical of 1920, this statutory charter of the schismato-heresy of new calendarism and ecumenism, together with those who wrote it, and those who accept it, and those who proceed according to its commands: Anathema!To the Masonic and ecumenistic Congress of Constantinople of 1923, whereby the introduction of the accursed innovation of the new Papal Calendar into Orthodoxy was decided for the common concelebration of the feasts with the heretics, marking her commencement in the heresy of ecumenism or the so-called Pan-Christian unity: Anathema!To the resolution of the fifth hierarchy, whereby Chrysostom Papadopoulos decided upon the introduction of new calendarism, as the first step of enforcing the obscure schemes of Freemasonry and ecumenism: Anathema!To the resolution in March of 1924, of the outrageous fighter against Orthodoxy, Chrysostom Papadopoulos, whereby he forcefully imposed the innovation and schismato-heresy of new calendarism and ecumenism: Anathema!To those who outrageously fought against Orthodoxy: Meletius Metaxakis, Chrysostom Papadopoulos, Basil II, Athenagoras, and all who are of like mind as them, who likewise intentionally served, and continue to serve, the God-hated work of ecumenism until this very day: Anathema!
+ Archbishop Andreas of Athens and all Greece (President) +Metropolitan Epiphanios of Kitiou and all Cyprus +Metropolitan Evmenios of Heraklion and all Crete +Metropolitan Gregorios of Messenia +Metropolitan Matthew of Attica and Megara +Metropolitan Nicholas of Piraeus and Islands +Bishop Lazaros of Bresthena +Bishop Theodosios of Phthiotidos +Bishop Pachomios of Argolis +Bishop Titos of ServiA and Kozani, Archimandrite Chrysostom (Metropoulos) (Head Secretary), Hieromonk Kyrikos (Kontogiannis) (on behalf of the priests),Monk Theodulus (Demetropoulos) (on behalf of the monks) Eleutherius Goutzides (on behalf of the laymen)